Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Links and Background to this project

AGA Refinery

I will be performing this work at the Refinery Party related to this exhibition. It is an interesting setup- basically an art party with a crowd of interested art lovers and shmoozers- not necessarily my typical audience. Many of them will have no expectations of the night's performance, and may find it all 'weird', or may find it to be a diversion (welcome or not) from socializing. My goal is to interest this new potential audience, and to present them with something slightly radical and indicative of how I really feel about oil (which is that it does not need artistic glamourizing). So without ruining the party, I do want to subvert it somewhat and I would love to be able to do so in a way that the 'audience' is actually joining me in that subversion, since I think most people feel that Big Oil needs subverting and would secretly like to be in on it.

Ed Burtynsky did not return my email, but he is a very famous artist at the moment, and his work manages to tread delicately between the horrible images he presents of landscapes and workplaces ravaged by the size of the human project on earth, and images of aesthetic beauty that simply record the way things are.
Burtynsky's website

His position is not neutral, as his Ted talk demonstrates, but he does still manage to get large corporations to cooperate with him, which is in itself a work of art.

What does this have to do with dance?
I am attracted to the body as a landscape. I see parallels between how we as a society treat our natural landscape and how we treat our own personal, emotional and physical landscapes. The disconnection runs through us all,  and dance is a great medium for displaying these more internal states and showing people what is inside us. Well, some of us...

My starting point:
4 x 20 minute installations in different locations of the gallery
Heidi Bunting (55 year old dancer with great legs)
Michelle Milenkovic (mezzo soprano)
David MacInnis (actor/dancer)
Eryn Tempest (dancer)
Shawn Pinchbeck (audio artist)

I am also involved with Ernest the photographer, a micro projector, Sid's tire dress, and various images and starting points for dances and performances. some are new and some are old.
A red ribbon that can be followed like a trail
A dress that gets hammered to a frame mid aria
A man falling down the stairs in slow motion talking nonsense to himself
Sound sources from various locations
A pile of prosthetic legs
A possible love duet (why not)

and myself.

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