Tuesday, October 19, 2010

titles and one-liners

    location: under the stairs on 1F
    dancer: Eryn Tempest
   Viewing the body as an intimate landscape

    location: RBC gallery on 2F
    dancer: Heidi Bunting
   Remembering the body as more than a sum of parts, in relation to missing parts

"Optic Nerve"
    location: 3F gallery
    dancer: Katrina Smy (dress by Sid Neigum)
    singer: Michelle Milenkovic
    An operatic and visual ode to the end of oil

    location: stairwell from 3F to 1F
            dancers: Eryn Tempest, David MacInnis, Gerry Morita, Matt Brault
   Finding love through gravity; falling and halting

Sound design by Shawn Pinchbeck
Scoreography by Gerry Morita
Mile Zero Dance


  1. It's interesting to think of life and the passage of time as a function of gravity: that from birth, our experiences occur in a spiralling tumble towards the event horizon of some massive terrestrial black hole, and that once we reach it and the pull of gravity becomes too strong, our bodies are torn asunder from a lasting memory of ourselves, which remains visible to those watching from behind...

    also, i like your font Gerry. Nice choice.

  2. check Ginsberg's "Song"

    your words are so lovely, Eryn
